Thank you for your interest in joining our organization. The Restaurant Business Alliance (RBA) was established by restaurant-focused professionals in order to create a network and a forum in which to share information and provide valuable referrals to fellow members. We are a non-profit organization dedicated to providing value and opportunities for our members across the market, region, and country.

Our Core Covenants

The RBA was founded on and practice the principles of:

  • Collaboration
  • Confidentiality
  • Cooperation
  • Respect

These values are not only important to the founders of the organization, but all of our members.

Our Members’ Professions

Our members form a network of trusted advisors, developers, and vendors that support the food, beverage, and hospitality industries. They include professions such as:

  • Architects & Designers
  • Attorneys & Expediters
  • Contractors & Builders
  • Economic Developers
  • Equipment & Furnishings
  • Goods & Services Providers
  • Insurance & Accounting
  • Real Estate Brokers

Our Membership Benefits

Some of the member benefits of the RBA include:

  • Networking With Restaurant Experienced Professionals
  • Invitations to In-Person and Virtual Events
  • Shared Information About Industry News and Events
  • Promoting Yourself in Our Member Directory
  • Promoting Your Inventory in Our Restaurant Listings

Our Annual Membership

The pricing structure for 2024 has been reduced to a single tier option. The pricing for 2024 is set at $150 per member.

If you would like to lean more about what is included in this year’s membership and/or you are ready to join or renew, visit our 2024 RBA Membership page.

To complete and submit your electronic membership application, click on this link: RBA Membership Application.